• Youtube Downloader

    Hello guys..Welcome to my blog..When you want surf music video, trending, news and etc, you will choose youtube..Why? Because it is on of the world largest video sharing website and now can be found on smart phone application.According to studies, 400 hours of video content are uploaded on Youtube each minute and billion hours of content are watch on Youtube everyday. For some, it is a job as it does come with profit through Google Adsence. But enough about Youtube, you guys can go through Wikipedia if want to know more. Now, i'm going to show how to download the content from Youtube. I know some of you guys love to watch a video many times. And because of that, isn't it better to watch many time without going online and increase data usage especially if you are subscribing one. Here's a tip on how to download a video from Youtube.

    1. Download the software. Here the link.

    Download Link:

    2. Extract file.

    3. Run installer as admin.

    4. Run patch.

    5. Done installed. Run the software.

    6.  Open Youtube and copy the link of the video.

    7. The link will automatically insert into the Youtube Downloader.

    8. Choose the download quality. The higher the quality, the larger the file size for downloading.
        You can also choose to convert the video into certain format such as MP3. Note: If downloading
        from a playlist, when clicking download, it will ask whether to download the whole playlist or not.
        Choose no as this is less time consuming unless you want the whole playlist which is time

    9. Once its done, you can see the video without surfing on Youtube.
    Hope this helps you guys and also take note that some video might be failed to download as it is copyright protected. Cherio ^_^

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